Friday, September 30, 2016


Thomas and Brown: “Embracing Change”

Sam’s Story:
-       Gamestar mechanic is focused on game design elements. While scratch is created at mit, it helps children get use to using technology and become fluent. Gamestar and scratch is creating an animation of themselves, they get to add their own images and can play as their own avatar, they can choose their own background of their choice.  For example: their avatar can be placed in the Grand Canyon. You’re in control of your character, which is more entertaining for the kids playing, because they get to be themselves. I remember when I use to be on Myspace, creating a background, writing a description about yourself, and your profile picture was always the best part of the social website. Technology is important for the learning environment. Technology teaches them things you don’t learn in your everyday class.
Learning Environments:
-        Learning is only half of your environment, it’s also combined with “Rich resources provided by the digital information network.” Learning is like shaping and reforming of yourself and your mind. “Environments with well-defined and carefully constructed boundaries are not usually thought of as standardized, nor are they tested and measured. Rather, they can be described as a set of pressures that nudge and guide change.”
New Culture of Learning:
-        culture is based on environment, and following that is culture emerges from the environment. I feel like decorating your classroom in a fun and exciting manner makes them want to come and enjoy the class more often, because it’s a comfortable and fun environment. “The classroom” is a model replaced by learning environment by which digital media provides rich source of information in play. Bringing the different cultures together helps students feel comfortable in their environment for example: If you have several black students, when talking about the black culture they won’t feel as uncomfortable as if they were the only back student talking about the black community.
-        “Information is transferred from one person (the teacher) to another (the student)”. Education is very important and helps keep existing knowledge preserved and present. Education makes communication with one another that much easier. Each year you’re in school, you review information that you learned the previous year, along with new information, which doesn’t usually change much over time. Teachers, and the students work as a team to process new information, and get the material necessary learned. There will always be room to grow and learn new things. No one can ever get enough education.
“Flipping the Class Room Requires More Than A Thank You Video”
-       Lecturing online could be very beneficial for students. If a student forgets information, or how to do the assignment, they can always go back to the online video to review what material or information they are forgetting. For example: if a student struggles with math, they can keep going back to look at the example until they understand the problem. Aaron Sams: Having a student focus on technology, I feel would be easier for the student to be less distracted, friends might talk here and there, but they are constantly distracted by the technology, they are not just sitting there bored listening. If a student misses something and doesn’t understand, they can keep going back and forth from the video to figure out where they are not understanding. Listening to a teacher just lecture can be boring sometimes, so throwing technology in is different and makes learning interesting, bringing something new to the table.
Croxall: “Reflection on Teaching with Social Media”
-       Social media can be a time for students to interact with each other and talk to each other about what is going in class. Working with social media gets the students more involved and interacting with each other. Twitter is a great social media site, its fast and convenient for students to talk to each other. Having your students tweet frequently or periodically shows that they are stay on topic, and understanding what’s going on in the class room. If a student has a question and feels like there teacher take longer to reply, they could always make a status on twitter asking peers in their class what is going on. Having your students tweet about your class work also gives other students a creative idea to work off of. Luckily, the students more than likely already know how to use twitter and more than likely already have twitter accounts, one less task you have to thoroughly explain. Not all the kids in the classroom are friends and talk, they might not have each other’s phone numbers. Using twitter is a way to get ahold of each other, or feedback about a question or comment. Someone is bound to reply.
Boss “Twittering not Frittering, Professional Development in One-Hundred and Forty
-       Characters”: Short sweet tweets: You get to choose who you want to follow, people can follow you and you may not want to follow them back. You don’t have to. It’s about building relationships online, getting to know people by what they tweet about.
Time Saving –Tool: When you want to know something, instead of waiting around, ask a peer, they would probably have an answer for you. Tweet on twitter; if they are active they would be happy to help you, especially if they feel strong about whatever situation you are asking about.
Boyd: “Identity: Why Do Teens Seem Strange Online”

-       Taken out of context: Teenagers are very sensitive to what people think about them, or even what others have to say about them: or to them. The way they talk to family members, is different from the way they talk to friends. It’s almost like friends understand them, as with family. For example: Friends agree with each other, they understand each other more. As for family they want the best for you so they will tell you everything you don’t want to hear. They will make sure your staying out of trouble and doing what you’re supposed to be doing. Friends will do bad habits with you.


  1. I really enjoyed your outlook on each of the reading. The manner in which you choose to break each main point, really showcase your opinion on what each article is trying to relate. In expressing your view on the flipped classroom. I really appreciate how you made note of the fact that if students are struggling with an assignment, they could make use of the video to see the example in detail at each step. Which not only boost the student in-dependency skills, but also makes them focus on the task instead of aspect that can be found online.

    1. Thank you so much(: I really appreciate what you had to say about my post! Thank you(:
